Whew! Time to blow some dust off this blog and get into INKtober 2013! Looks like the last post was from last year’s challenge, so I’m just going to pick up where I left off and pretend like no one is the wiser.
Since we are already a week in, and I know I don’t have the resolve to post a new ink drawing every day, I am instead going to aim for 1-2 a week. I’ll just keep updating this post as I go so that they are a bit more organized (and so that the next post can be reserved for INKtober 2014! Wait, maybe that’s a bad thing…)
#7: And here is my last drawing for INKtober 2013! See you next year!
#6: Mountains!
#5: Of course I had to draw a Jedi at some point. I think he is trying to figure out how to use his force powers.
#4: Winter is coming in Chicago! This guy is prepared. Incidentally, he also has a cool hairdo.
#2: Thanks to my friend Yohan for the inspiration!
#1: Drawn on the train! The lines are a little bumpy.